Is Busing provided for students?
Yes. The City of Providence provides busing for students who are residents of Providence. Younger children must live more than one mile from the school and older students must live more than one and one-half miles from the school. Forms may be obtained from the school secretary.
Are hot lunches served?
Sodexo Food Services provides hot lunch daily for students. This program is affiliated with the Federal Hot Lunch program so families with need can obtain free or reduced price (40 cents) lunches based on family income. The appropriate forms for the Free and Reduced Price Lunch Program can be obtained through the school office.
What time does the school day begin and end?
School begins at 8:15 A.M. and is dismissed at 2:30 P.M. for all students.
Does the school offer before and after school care?
Daycare is provided both before and after school. For the before school program, students may arrive as early as 7:00 A.M. After school care is provided until 5:30 P.M. There is an hourly fee that is payable within ten days of the week of service. Daycare phone # is 401-223-0283 and is monitored from 3:30PM until 5:30PM on school days.
Does Blessed Sacrament offer athletics?
Blessed Sacrament School offers both boys’ and girls’ basketball in season.
In the spring, Blessed Sacrament offers a competitive volleyball program. This is also part of the Catholic Athletic League.
I am not Catholic. Can my child still attend Blessed Sacrament?
Blessed Sacrament School is proud to count numerous religions among its students. While it is understood that all students will take part in the study of the Catholic religion, we welcome the diversity of many different religions. All students do attend scheduled school Masses and Prayer Services, but only Catholic students receive the sacraments.
What forms of tuition assistance if offered?
Several different types of tuition assistance are offered. Please call the office for more information.